Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Thomas Dietrich

Home > Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Thomas Dietrich

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.
Thomas Dietrich, MPH, FDS RCPS

Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie

Warum Vertrauen in Ihren Implantologen so wichtig ist!

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Unser Ziel ist die wissenschaftliche Dokumentation der Leistungsfähigkeit von Zahnimplantaten im Praxisalltag.

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Thomas Dietrich

Curriculum Vitae

  • 1990-1995 Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Charité, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • 1995 Zahnärztliche Approbation
  • 1995-1996 Ausbildungsassistent in Zahnarztpraxis Dr. I. Göhringer, Berlin
  • 1996-2003 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Abteilung für Parodontologie und Synoptische Zahnmedizin (Prof. Dr. Dr. J.-P. Bernimoulin), Abteilung für Zahnärztliche Chirurgie und Röntgenologie (Prof. Dr. P. A. Reichart) an der Charité, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • 1996-2005 Weiterbildungsassistent in Praxis für MKG-Chirurgie, Berlin
  • 1997 Promotion zum Dr. med. dent., Freie Universität Berlin
  • 1995-2001 Studium der Medizin an der Charité, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • 2001 Ärztliche Approbation
  • 2001-2002 Masterstudium in Quantitative Methods, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA
  • 2002 Master of Public Health (MPH), Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
  • 2003 Promotion zum Dr. med, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
  • 2005 Fachzahnarzt für Oralchirurgie, Berlin
  • 2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research, Department of Periodontology and Oral Biology, Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
  • 2007-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Health Services Research, Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
  • seit 2017 Professor and Chair, Department of Oral Surgery, The School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


Das ECDI-Zentrum in Birmingham wird von Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Thomas Dietrich repräsentiert.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietrich ist Professor für Oralchirurgie und Leiter der gleichnamigen Fachabteilung an der Fakultät für Zahnmedizin der Universität Birmingham, einer der landesweit führenden Institutionen für zahnmedizinische Forschung, Lehre und Behandlung.

Nach dem Studium der Medizin und der Zahnmedizin an der Berliner Humboldt-Universität arbeitete Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietrich in den Fachbereichen Parodontologie und Oralchirurgie an der Charité. 2002 erwarb er an der Harvard School of Public Health in Boston den Master of Public Health (MPH). Seine Karriere setzte er als Associate Professor an der Goldman School of Dental Medicine an der Boston University fort. Seit 2007 ist er Professor in Birmingham.

Seine beruflichen Schwerpunkte innerhalb der Zahnmedizin liegen in der klinischen Forschung und in der Epidemiologie, insbesondere in den Fachgebieten Oralchirurgie und Parodontologie. Professor Dr. Dr. Dietrich ist ein international renommierter Experte für die Erforschung von Zusammenhängen zwischen Erkrankungen des Zahnhalteapparats und systemischen Erkrankungen wie Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen oder Rheuma und hat dazu und zu weiteren Forschungsthemen zahlreiche weltweit beachtete wissenschaftliche Arbeiten publiziert. Ein weiterer Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Wirksamkeit von Behandlungsmethoden in der Oralchirurgie, insbesondere im Bereich der Implantatchirurgie und chirurgischen Zahnentfernung.

In Birmingham bildet er den klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in den Studiengängen BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) und M. Sc. (Master of Science) Advanced General Dental Practice aus und betreut zahlreiche Forschungsstudenten.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietrich arbeitet eng mit den weiteren Zentren der European Centers for Dental Implantology zusammen. Dabei steht die wissenschaftliche Auswertung von Implantationsdaten und Therapieergebnissen im Vordergrund. Die Erfahrungen aus diesen Untersuchungen und der intensive Austausch der Zentren untereinander tragen erheblich dazu bei, Patienten stets die bestmögliche Versorgung auf dem neuesten Stand der zahnmedizinischen Wissenschaft anzubieten.

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

ORCID: 0000-0002-2557-7645

Google Scholar Metriken (Mai 2020):


Alle Seit 2014
Zitate 16516 7786
h-index 52 42
i10-index 101 93



  • Dietrich T, Schmid I, Locher M, Addison O.
    Extraction force and its determinants for minimally invasive vertical tooth extraction.
    J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2020;105: 103711.
  • Oluwagbemigun K, Yucel-Lindberg T, Dietrich T, Tour G, Sherina N, Hansson M, Bergmann M, Lundberg K, Boeing H.
    A cross-sectional investigation into the association between Porphyromonas gingivalis and autoantibodies to citrullinated proteins in a German population.
    Ther Adv Musculoskelet Dis. 2019 Nov 5;11:1759720X19883152.
  • Raja A, White DA, Kerr SE, Dietrich T.
    Prevention in the context of caries-related extractions under general anaesthesia: an evaluation of the use of sealants and other preventive care by referring dentists.
    Br Dent J. 2019 Sep;227(6):489-495. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0729-1.
  • Callhoff J, Dietrich T, Chubrieva M, Klotsche J, Zink A.
    A patient-reported questionnaire developed in a German early arthritis cohort to assess periodontitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Arthritis Res Ther. 2019 Aug 29;21(1):197. doi: 10.1186/s13075-019-1982-z.
  • Serban S, Dietrich T, Lopez-Oliva I, de Pablo P, Raza K, Filer A, Chapple ILC , Hill K.
    Attitudes towards oral health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A qualitative study nested within a randomized controlled trial.
    JDR Clin Trans Res. 2019 Apr 22:2380084419833694. doi: 10.1177/2380084419833694. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Hong B, Morris A, Dietrich T.
    Frequency, variation and cost in provision of dental extractions for adults in secondary care in Great Britain.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 679-686. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0262-2.
  • Gay-Escoda C, Hanna M, Montero A, Dietrich T, Milleri S, Giergiel E, Toth Bagi Z, Varrassi G.
    Tramadol/Dexketoprofen (TRAM/DKP) oral fixed dose combination is superior to tramadol/paracetamol in moderate-to-severe acute pain: a randomized, double-blind, placebo and active-controlled, parallel group trial (DAVID study).
    BMJ Open. 2019 Feb 19;9(2):e023715. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023715.
  • Sharma P, Yonel Z, Busby M, Chapple IL, Dietrich T.
    Association between periodontal health status and patient reported outcomes in patients managed in a non-specialist, general dental practice.
    J Clin Periodontol 2018; 45: 1440–1447.
  • Yonel Z, Sharma P, Yahyouche A, Jalal Z, Dietrich T, Chapple I.
    Patients attendance patterns to different healthcare settings and perceptions of stakeholders regarding screening for chronic, non-communicable diseases in high street dental practices and community pharmacy: a cross-sectional study.
    BMJ Open 2018; 8(11):e024503. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024503.
  • Heaton B, Garcia RI, Dietrich T.
    Simulation study of misclassification bias in association studies employing partial-mouth protocols.
    J Clin Periodontol 2018; 45: 1034–1044.
  • Hong B, Bulsara Y, Gorecki P, Dietrich T.
    Minimally invasive vertical versus conventional tooth extraction. An interrupted time series study.
    JADA 2018; 149: 688-695.
  • Heaton B, Sharma P, Garcia RI, Dietrich T.
    Evaluating periodontal disease misclassification mechanisms under partial-mouth recording protocols.
    J Clin Periodontol 2018; 45: 422-430.
  • Lopez-Oliva I, Paropkari AD, Saraswat S, Serban S, Yonel Z, Sharma P, de Pablo P, Raza K, Filer A, Chapple I, Dietrich T, Grant MM, Kumar PS.
    Dysbiotic subgingival microbial communities in periodontally healthy patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
    Arthritis Rheumatol 2018; 70: 1008-1013.
  • Chicca IJ, Milward MR, Chapple ILC, Griffiths G, Benson R, Dietrich T, Cooper PR
    Development and Application of High Content Biological Screening for Modulators of NET Production.
    Front Immunol 2018; 9: 337.
  • Krug R, Connert T, Soliman S, Syfrig B, Dietrich T, Krastl G.
    Surgical extrusion with an atraumatic extraction system: A clinical study.
    J Prosthet Dent. 2018 Jun 28. pii: S0022-3913(18)30116-1. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2018.02.006. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Gorecki P, Rainsford KD, Taneja P, Bulsara Y, Pearson D, Saund D, Ahmed B, Dietrich T.
    Submucosal diclofenac for acute postoperative pain in third molar surgery: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
    J Dent Res 2018; 97: 381-387.
  • Kebede TG, Pink C, Rathmann W, Kowall B, Völzke H, Petersmann A, Meisel P,
    Dietrich T, Kocher T, Holtfreter B
    Does periodontitis affect diabetes incidence and HbA1c change? An
    11-year follow-up study.
    Diabetes Metab. 2017 Nov 22. pii: S1262-3636(17)30576-1. doi: 10.1016/j.diabet.2017.11.003. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Sharma P, Cockwell P, Dietrich T, Ferro C, Ives N, Chapple ILC.
    Influence of Successful Periodontal Intervention in Renal Disease (INSPIRED): study protocol for a randomised controlled pilot clinical trial.
    Trials 2017; 18: 535.
  • Naumann M, Sterzenbach G, Dietrich T, Bitter K, Frankenberger R, von Stein-Lausnitz M.
    Dentin-like versus rigid endodontic post: Eleven-year randomized controlled pilot trial on no-wall to two-wall defects.
    J Endod. 2017; 43: 1770-1775.
  • Gorecki P, Burke DL, Chapple ILC, Hemming K, Saund D, Pearson D, Stahl W, Lello R, Dietrich T.
    Perioperative supplementation with a fruit and vegetable juice powder concentrate and postsurgical morbidity: a double-blind, randomised, placebo controlled clinical trial.
    Clin Nutr. 2018; 37: 1448-1455. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2017.08.004. Epub 2017 Aug 10.
  • Dietrich T, Webb I, Stenhouse L, Pattni A, Ready D, Wanyonyi KL, White S, Gallagher JE.
    Evidence summary: the relationship between oral and cardiovascular disease.
    Br Dent J. 2017; 222: 381-385.
  • Kebede TG, Holtfreter B, Kocher T, Meisel P, Dietrich T, Biffar R, Dörr M, Völzke H, Pink C.
    Association of Periodontal Destruction and Diabetes with Mortality.
    J Dent Res 2017; 96: 56-63.
  • Albrecht K, Callhoff J, Westhoff G, Dietrich T, Dörner T, Zink A.
    The prevalence of dental implants and related factors in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome: results from a cohort study.
    J Rheumatol. 2016 Jul;43(7):1380-1385.
  • Sharma P, Dietrich T, Ferro CJ, Cockwell P, Chapple IL.
    Association between Periodontitis and mortality in stages 3-5 Chronic Kidney Disease: NHANES III and linked mortality study.
    J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 104-113.
  • Lugonja B, Yeo L, Milward M, Smith D, Dietrich T, Chapple I, Rauz S, Barone F, de Pablo P, Hamburger J, Richards A, Poveda-Galego A, Scheel-Toellner D, Bowman S.
    Periodontitis prevalence and serum antibody reactivity to periodontal bacteria in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: a pilot study.
    J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 26-33.
  • Zong G, Holtfreter B, Scott AE, Völzke H, Petersmann A, Dietrich T, Newson RS, Kocher T.
    Serum vitamin B12 is inversely associated with periodontal progression and risk of tooth loss: a prospective cohort study.
    J Clin Periodontol 2016; 43: 2-9.
  • Oluwagbemigun K, Bergmann M, Pischon N, Dietrich T, Boeing H.
    A cross-sectional association between number of teeth and high–sensitivity C–reactive protein among middle–aged Germans.
    J Periodontol 2016; 87: 228-237.
  • Dietrich T, Walter C, Oluwagbemigun L, Bergmann M, Pischon T, Pischon N, Boeing H.
    Smoking, smoking cessation, and risk of tooth loss: The EPIC-Potsdam study.
    J Dent Res 2015; 94: 1369-1375.
  • Schulze-Späte U, Dietrich T, Wu C, Wang K, Hasturk H, Dibart S.
    Systemic Vitamin D Supplementation and Local Bone Formation after Maxillary Sinus Augmentation- a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical investigation.
    Clin Oral Implants Res. 2016; 27: 701-706.
  • Moore RA, Gay-Escoda C, Figueiredo R, Tóth-Bagi Z, Dietrich T, Milleri S, Torres-Lagares D, Hill CM, García-García A, Coulthard P, Wojtowicz A, Matenko D, Peñarrocha-Diago M, Cuadripani S, Pizà-Vallespir B, Guerrero-Bayón C, Bertolotti M, Contini MP, Scartoni S, Nizzardo A, Capriati A, Maggi CA.
    Dexketoprofen/tramadol: randomised double-blind trial and confirmation of empirical theory of combination analgesics in acute pain.
    J Headache Pain. 2015; 16: 541.
  • Zong G, Scott AE, Griffiths HR, Zock PL, Dietrich T, Newson RS.
    Serum α-Tocopherol has a nonlinear inverse association with periodontitis among US adults.
    J Nutr. 2015 May;145(5):893-899.
  • Oluwagbemigun K, Dietrich T, Pischon N, Bergmann M, Boeing H.
    Association between number of teeth and chronic systemic diseases: a cohort study followed for 13 years.
    PLoS One. 2015; 10(5):e0123879.
  • Heaton B, Applebaum KM, Rothman KJ, Brooks DR, Heeren T, Dietrich T, Garcia RI.
    The influence of prevalent cohort bias in the association between periodontal disease progression and incident coronary heart disease.
    Ann Epidemiol 2014; 24:741-746.
  • Zhan Y, Samietz S, Holtfreter B, Hannemann A, Meisel P, Nauck M, Völzke H, Wallaschofski H, Dietrich T, Kocher T.
    Prospective study of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and tooth loss.
    J Dent Res 2014; 93:639-644.
  • Sharma P, Dietrich T, Sidhu A, Vithlani V, Rahman M, Stringer S, Jesky M, Kaur O, Ferro C, Cockwell P, Chapple I.
    The Periodontal health component of the renal impairment in secondary care (RIISC) cohort study: A description of the rationale, methodology and initial baseline results.
    J Clin Periodontol 2014; 41: 653-661.
  • Suter VG, Altermatt HJ, Dietrich T, Warnakulasuriya S, Bornstein MM.
    Pulsed versus continuous wave CO2 laser excisions of 100 oral fibrous hyperplasias: A randomized controlled clinical and histopathological study.
    Lasers Surg Med. 2014; 46: 396-404.
  • Zhan Y, Holtfreter B, Meisel P, Hoffmann T, Micheelis W, Dietrich T, Kocher T.
    Prediction of periodontal disease: modelling and validation in different general German populations.
    J Clin Periodontol 2014; 41: 224-231.
  • Mangnall LA, Dietrich T, Scholey JM.
    A randomized controlled trial to assess the pain associated with the debond of orthodontic fixed appliances.
    J Orthod 2013; 40: 188-196.
  • Krastl G, Lorch H, Zitzmann NU, Addison O, Dietrich T, Weiger R.
    Do oval posts improve fracture resistance of teeth with oval root canals?
    Dent Traumatol 2014; 30: 232-235.
  • Kotecha S, Turner PJ, Dietrich T, Dhopatkar A.
    The impact of tooth agenesis on oral health-related quality of life in children.
    J Orthod 2013; 40: 122-129.
  • Dietrich T, Leeson R, Gugliotta B, Petersen B.
    Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous diclofenac in the management of acute pain: a randomised double-blind trial.
    Pain Pract 2014; 14: 315-323.
  • Stringer S, Sharma P, Dutton M, Jesky M, Ng K, Kaur O, Chapple ILC, Dietrich T, Ferro C, Cockwell P.
    The natural history of, and risk factors for, progressive Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): the Renal Impairment In Secondary care (RIISC) study; rationale and protocol.
    BMC Nephrology 2013; 14: 95.
  • De Pablo P, Dietrich T, Chapple ILC, Milward M, Chowdhury M, Charles P, Buckley C, Venables P.
    The autoantibody repertoire in periodontitis: a role in the induction of autoimmunity to citrullinated proteins in rheumatoid arthritis?
    Ann Rheum Dis 2014; 73: 580-586.
  • Dietrich T, Sharma P, Walter C, Weston P, Beck J.
    The epidemiological evidence behind the association between periodontitis and incident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
    J Clin Periodontol 2013; 40 Suppl 14: S70-84./ J Periodontol 2013; 84(4 Suppl): S70-84.
  • Jimenez M, Giovanucci E, Krall Kaye E, Joshipura KJ, Dietrich T.
    Predicted vitamin D status and incidence of tooth loss and periodontitis.
    Public Health Nutr 2013; Mar 7:1-9 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Saund DS, Pearson D, Dietrich T.
    Reliability and validity of self-assessment of mouth opening: a validation study.
    BMC Oral Health. 2012; 12: 48.
  • Lai CS, Bornstein MM, Mock L, Heuberger BM, Dietrich T, Katsaros C.
    Impacted maxillary canines and root resorptions of neighbouring teeth: a radiographic analysis using cone-beam computed tomography.
    Eur J Orthod. 2012 Jul 24. Epub ahead of print
  • Schulze-Späte U, Dietrich T, Kayal RA, Hasturk H, Dobeck J, Skobe Z, Dibart S.
    Analysis of bone formation after sinus augmentation using β-tricalcium phosphate.
    Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2012; 33: 364-368.
  • Suter VG, Altermatt HJ, Dietrich T, Reichart PA, Bornstein MM.
    Does a pulsed mode offer advantages over a continuous wave mode for excisional biopsies performed using a carbon dioxide laser?
    J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012; 70: 1781-1788.
  • Muska E, Walter C, Knight A, Taneja P, Bulsara Y, Hahn M, Desai M, Dietrich T.
    Atraumatic vertical tooth extraction – a proof of principle clinical study of a novel system.
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Jul 3 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Walter C, Weiger R, Dietrich T, Lang NP, Zitzmann N.
    Does 3-dimensional imaging offer a financial benefit for treating maxillary molars with furcation involvement? – A pilot clinical case series.
    Clin Oral Implants Res. 2012; 23: 351-358.
  • Friedmann A, Gissel K, Soudan M, Kleber B-M, Pitaru S, Dietrich T.
    Randomized controlled trial on lateral augmentation using two collagen membranes. Morphometric results on mineralized tissue compound.
    J Clin Periodontol 2011; 38: 677-685.
  • Kaner D, Bernimoulin J-P, Dietrich T, Kleber B-M, Friedmann A.
    Calprotectin levels in gingival crevicular fluid predict disease activity
    in patients treated for generalized aggressive periodontitis
    J Periodont Res 2011 ;46: 417-426.
  • Stewardson D, Thornley P, Bigg T, Bromage C, Browne A, Cottam D, Dalby D, Gilmour J, Horton J, Roberts E, Westoby L, Dietrich T, Burke T.
    The survival of class V restorations in general dental practice. Part 1, baseline data.
    Br Dent J 2010; 208: E17; discussion 406-407.
  • Krall Kaye E, Valencia A, Baba N, Spiro III A, Dietrich T, Garcia RI.
    Tooth loss and periodontal disease predict poor cognitive function in older men.
    J Am Geriatr Soc 2010; 58: 713-718.
  • Steffen A, Schulze MB, Pischon T, Dietrich T, Molina E, Chirlaque M-D, Barricarte A, Amiano P, Quirós JR, Tumino R, Mattiello A, Palli D, Vineis P, Agnoli C, Misirli G, Boffetta P, Kaaks R, Rohrmann S, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PHM, May AM, Spencer EA, Allen NE, Bingham S, Tjønneland A, Halkjær J, Overvad K, Stegger J, Manjer J, Lindkvist B, Hallmanns G, Stenling R, Lund E, Riboli E, Gonzalez CA, Boeing H.
    Anthropometry and esophageal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC).
    Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009; 18: 2079-2089.
  • Jimenez M, Garcia R, Krall Kaye E, Vokonas P, Dietrich T.
    Periodontitis and risk of cerebrovascular disease in men.
    Ann Neurology 2009; 66:505-512.
  • Dietrich T, Kaiser W, Naumann M, Stosch U, Schwahn C, Biffar R, Dietrich D, Kocher T.
    Validation of a multivariate prediction rule for history of periodontitis in a separate population.
    J Clin Periodontol 2009; 36: 493–497.
  • Weikert C, Dietrich T, Boeing H, Boutron-Ruault, MC, Allen N, Key T, Lund E, Olsen A, Tjønneland A, Overvad K, Rohrmann S, Linseisen J, Pischon T, Trichopoulou A, Weinehall L, Johansson I, Sánchez M-J, Agudo A, Barricarte A, Amiano P, Chirlaque M-D, Quirós JR, Wirfalt E, Peeters P, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Vrieling A, Pala V, Palli D, Vineis P, Tumino R, Panico S, Bingham S, Khaw K-T, Norat T, Jenab M, Ferrari P, Slimani N, Riboli E.
    Lifetime and baseline alcohol intake and risk of cancer of the Upper Aero-Digestive Tract in the European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.
    Int J Cancer 2009; 125: 406-412.
  • Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Kiel DP, Dawson-Hughes B, Orav JE, Li R, Spiegelman D, Dietrich T, Willett WC.
    Dietary calcium and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status in relation to bone mineral density among U.S. adults.
    J Bone Miner Res 2009; 24: 935-942.
  • Nunn ME, Dietrich T, Singh HK, Henshaw MM, Kressin NR.
    Prevalence of early childhood caries among very young urban Boston children compared to U.S. children.
    J Public Health Dent 2009; 69:156-162.
  • Nunn ME, Braunstein N, Kaye E, Dietrich T, Garcia RI, Henshaw M.
    Healthy Eating Index is predictor of Early Childhood Caries.
    J Dent Res 2009; 88: 361-366.
  • Jimenez M, Dietrich T, Shih M-C, Li Y, Joshipura KJ.
    Racial/Ethnic Variations in the Impact of Socio-economic Factors on Tooth Loss.
    Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol 2009; 37: 267-275.
  • Dietrich T, Culler C, Garcia R, Henshaw M.
    Racial/ethnic disparities in children’s oral health: The National Survey of Children’s Health.
    JADA 2008; 139: 1507-1517.
  • Dietrich T, Jimenez M, Krall Kaye E, Vokonas P, Garcia RI.
    Age-dependent associations between chronic periodontitis/edentulism and risk of coronary heart disease.
    Circulation 2008; 117:1668-1674.
  • Naumann M, Blankenstein F, Reich S, Nothdurft F, Beuer F, Dietrich T.
    Survival of glass fiber post restorations over 5 years.
    Am J Dent 2008; 21:267-272.
  • Kim T, Miyamoto T, Nunn ME, Garcia RI, Dietrich T.
    Root Proximity as a Risk Factor for Progression of Alveolar Bone Loss: The VA Dental Longitudinal Study.
    J Periodontol 2008; 79:654-659.
  • De Pablo P, Dietrich T, McAlindon T.
    Association of Periodontal Disease and Tooth Loss with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the U.S. Population.
    J Rheumatol 2008; 35:70-76.
  • Dietrich T, Garcia R, de Pablo P, Schulze PC, Hoffmann K.
    The effects of cigarette smoking on CRP concentrations in men and women and its modification by exogenous oral hormones in women
    Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2007; 14: 694-700.
  • Naumann M, Sterzenbach G, Franke A, Dietrich T.
    A randomized controlled clinical pilot trial of titanium vs. glass fiber prefabricated posts: preliminary results after up to 3 years.
    Int J Prosthodont 2007; 20: 499–503.
  • Kaner D, Christan C, Dietrich T, Bernimoulin J-P, Kleber B-M, Friedmann A.
    Timing affects the clinical outcome of adjunctive systemic antibiotic therapy for generalized aggressive periodontitis.
    J Periodontol 2007, 78: 1201-1208.
  • De Pablo P, Dietrich T, Karlson EW.
    Antioxidants and other novel cardiovascular risk factors in subjects with rheumatoid arthritis in a large population sample.
    Arthritis Care Res 2007; 57: 953-962.
  • Restrepo C, Parvizi J, Dietrich T, Einhorn TA.
    Safety of Simultaneous Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Meta-Analysis.
    J Bone Joint Surg Am 2007;89: 1220-1226.
  • Dietrich T, Maserejian N, Joshipura KJ, Krall E, Garcia RI.
    Tobacco use and incidence of tooth loss among US male health professionals
    J Dent Res 2007; 86: 373-377.
  • Dietrich T, Stosch U, Dietrich D, Kaiser W, Bernimoulin JP, Joshipura KJ.
    Multivariate prediction of periodontal disease history from self-report in a German practice based sample.
    J Periodontol 2007; 78: 1421-1428.
  • Chapple ILC, Milward M, Dietrich T.
    The Prevalence of Inflammatory Periodontitis is Negatively Associated with Serum Antioxidant Concentrations.
    J Nutr 2007; 137:657-664.
  • Dietrich T, Krall Kaye EA, Nunn M, Van Dyke T, Garcia RI.
    Gingivitis Susceptibility and its Relation to Periodontitis in Men.
    J Dent Res 2006; 85: 1134-1137.
  • Maxwell S, Dietrich T, Chapple ILC.
    Prediction of serum total antioxidant activity from the concentration of individual serum antioxidants.
    Clin Chim Acta 2006; 372:188-194.
  • Krall EA, Dietrich T, Nunn ME, Garcia RI.
    Cigarette smoking cessation reduces the risk of tooth loss.
    Prev Chronic Dis 2006; 3: A115.
  • Boeing H, Dietrich T, Hoffmann K, Pischon T, Ferrari P, Lahmann PH, et al.
    Intake of fruits and vegetables and risk of cancer of the upper aero-digestive tract: the prospective EPIC-Study.
    Cancer Causes Control 2006; 17: 957-969.
  • Naumann M, Preuss A, Rosentritt M, Dietrich T.
    The effect of alveolar bone loss on the load capability of restored endodontically treated teeth: A comparative in-vitro study.
    J Dent 2006; 34: 790-795.
  • Naumann M, Blankenstein F, Kießling S, Dietrich T.
    Risk factors for failure of glass fibre reinforced composite post restorations – A prospective observational clinical study.
    Eur J Oral Sci 2005; 113: 519-524.
  • Dietrich T, Nunn M, Dawson-Hughes B, Bischoff-Ferrari H.
    The association between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and gingival inflammation.
    Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 82: 575-580.
  • Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Willett WC, Wong JB, Giovannucci E, Dietrich T, Dawson-Hughes B.
    Fracture prevention with vitamin D supplementation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
    JAMA 2005; 293: 2257-2264.
  • Dietrich T, Stosch U, Dietrich D, Schamberger D, Bernimoulin, J-P, Joshipura K.
    The accuracy of individual self-reported items to determine periodontal disease history.
    Eur J Oral Sci 2005; 113: 135-140.
  • Naumann M, Blankenstein F, Dietrich T.
    Survival of glass fiber reinforced composite post restorations after 2 years – an observational clinical study.
    J Dent 2005; 33: 305-312.
  • Dietrich T, Hoffmann K.
    A comprehensive index for the modeling of smoking history in periodontal research.
    J Dent Res 2004; 83:859-863.
  • Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Dietrich T, Orav EJ, Hu FB, Zhang Y, Karlson EW, Dawson-Hughes B.
    Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are associated with better lower-extremity function in both active and inactive adults 60+ years of age.
    Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 752-758.
  • Dietrich T, Joshipura KJ, Dawson-Hughes B, Bischoff HA.
    The association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and periodontal disease in the US population.
    Am J Clin Nutr 2004; 80: 108-113.
  • Scheifele C, Schmidt-Westhausen AM, Dietrich T, Reichart PA.
    The sensitivity and specificity of the OralCDx technique: evaluation of 103 cases.
    Oral Oncol 2004; 40: 824-828.
  • Dietrich T, Bernimoulin J-P, Glynn RJ.
    The effect of smoking on gingival bleeding.
    J Periodontol 2004; 75: 10-16.
  • Bischoff HA, Dietrich T, Orav EJ, Dawson-Hughes B.
    Positive association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and bone mineral density: a population-based study of younger and older US adults.
    Am J Med 2004; 116: 634-639.
  • Dietrich T, Reichart PA, Scheifele C.
    Clinical risk factors for oral leukoplakia in a representative sample of the US population.
    Oral Oncol 2004; 40: 158-163.
  • Reichart PA, Dietrich T, Khongkhunthian P, Srisuwan S.
    Decline of oropharyngeal cancer in Chiangmai province, Thailand, between 1988-1999.
    Oral Oncol 2003, 39: 569-573.
  • Scheifele C, Reichart PA, Dietrich T.
    A low prevalence of oral leukoplakia in a representative sample of the US population.
    Oral Oncol 2003; 39: 619-625.
  • Dietrich T, Zunker P, Dietrich D, Bernimoulin J-P.
    Periapical and periodontal healing after osseous grafting and GTR treatment of apicomarginal defects in periradicular surgery. Results after 12 months.
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2003;95:474-482.
  • Christan C, Dietrich T, Hagewald S, Kage A, Bernimoulin J-P.
    White blood cell count in generalized aggressive periodontitis after non-surgical therapy.
    J Clin Periodontol 2002;29:201-206.
  • Dietrich T, Zunker P, Dietrich D, Bernimoulin J-P.
    Apicomarginal defects in periradicular surgery: classification and diagnostic aspects.
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2002;94:233-239.
  • Dietrich T, Kraemer MLJ, Roulet JF.
    Blood contamination and dentin bonding–effect of anticoagulant in laboratory studies.
    Dent Mater 2002;18:159-162.
  • Dietrich T, Kraemer M, Lösche GM, Wernecke KD, Roulet JF.
    Influence of dentin conditioning and contamination on the marginal integrity of sandwich Class II restorations.
    Oper Dent 2000;25:401-410.
  • Dietrich T, Kraemer M, Lösche GM, Roulet JF.
    Marginal integrity of large compomer Class II restorations with cervical margins in dentine.
    J Dent 2000;28:399-405.
  • Dietrich T, Lösche AC, Lösche GM, Roulet JF.
    Marginal adaptation of direct composite and sandwich restorations in Class II cavities with cervical margins in dentine.
    J Dent 1999;27:119-128.
  • Henrion G, Henrion R, Dietrich T, Heininger P.
    Multivariate statistical valuation of intercalibration results.
    Z Chem 1988;28:92-97.


  • Sanz M, Marco Del Castillo A, Jepsen S, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, D’Aiuto F, Bouchard P, Chapple I, Dietrich T, Gotsman I, Graziani F, Herrera D, Loos B, Madianos P, Michel JB, Perel P, Pieske B, Shapira L, Shechter M, Tonetti M, Vlachopoulos C, Wimmer G.
    Periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases: Consensus report.
    J Clin Periodontol. 2020; 47: 268-288.
  • Lopez-Oliva I, de Pablo P, Dietrich T, Chapple I.
    Gums and joints: is there a connection? Part two: the biological link.
    Br Dent J. 2019 Oct;227(7):611-617. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0723-7.
  • Lopez-Oliva I, de Pablo P, Dietrich T, Chapple I.
    Gums and joints: is there a connection? Part one: epidemiological and clinical links.
    Br Dent J. 2019 Oct;227(7):605-609. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0722-8.
  • Dietrich T, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Walter C, Needleman I, Hughes FJ, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Chapple ILC
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions – implementation in clinical practice.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226:16-22. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.3.
  • Dietrich T, Krug R, Krastl G, Tomson P.
    Restoring the unrestorable! Developing coronal tooth tissue with a minimally invasive surgical extrusion technique.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 789-793. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0268-9.
  • Papapanou PN, Sanz M, Buduneli N, Dietrich T, Feres M, Fine DH, Flemmig TF, Garcia R, Giannobile WV, Graziani F, Greenwell H, Herrera D, Kao RT, Kebschull M, Kinane DF, Kirkwood KL, Kocher T, Kornman KS, Kumar PS, Loos BG, Machtei E, Meng H, Mombelli A, Needleman I, Offenbacher S, Seymour GJ, Teles R, Tonetti MS.
    Periodontitis: Consensus report of workgroup 2 of the 2017 World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and Conditions.
    J Clin Periodontol. 2018 Jun;45 Suppl 20:S162-S170. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12946.
  • Holtfreter B, Dietrich T, Dannewitz B, Völzke H, Kocher T.
    Der Parodontitis-Risiko-Score: Via Selbsttest zum Screening
    ZM 2018, 108, (1).
  • Frencken JE, Sharma P, Stenhouse L, Green D, Laverty D, Dietrich T.
    Global epidemiology of dental caries and severe periodontitis – a comprehensive review.
    J Clin Periodontol. 2017; 44 Suppl 18: S94-S105.
  • Stefanski A-L, Thomiak C, Pleyer U, Dietrich T, Burmester GR, Dörner T.
    The diagnosis and therapy of Sjögren’s syndrome.
    Dtsch Arztebl Int 2017, 114: 354-361.
  • Jepsen S, Blanco J, Buchalla W , Carvalho JC, Dietrich T, Dörfer C, Eaton K, Figuero E, Frencken JE, Graziani F, Higham S, Kocher T, Maltz M, Ortiz-Vigon A,
    Schmoeckel J, Sculean A, Tenuta L, van der Veen MH, Maciulskiene V.
    Prevention and control of dental caries and periodontal diseases at individual and population level: Consensus report of group 3 of joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases.
    J Clin Periodontol. 2017; 44 Suppl 18: S85-S93.
  • Dietrich T, Webb I, Stenhouse L, Pattni A, Ready D, Wanyonyi KL, White S, Gallagher JE.
    Evidence Summary: The relationship between oral and cardiovascular disease
    Br Dent J. 2017; 222: 381-385.
  • Dietrich T, Walter C.
    Vitamin D and periodontal disease – a review. [Vitamin D und parodontale Erkrankungen – eine Bestandsaufnahme.]
    Parodontologie 2016; 27: 257-263.
  • Garcia RI, Compton R, Dietrich T.
    Risk assessment and periodontal prevention in primary care.
    Periodontol 2000. 2016; 71: 10-21.
  • Holtfreter B, Albandar JM, Dietrich T, Dye BA, Eaton KA, Eke P, Papapanou P, Kocher T.
    Standards for reporting chronic periodontitis prevalence and severity in epidemiologic studies. Proposed standards from the joint EU/USA periodontal epidemiology working group.
    J Clin Periodontol 2015; 42: 407-412.
  • Tonetti MS, Eickholz P, Loos BG, Papapanou P, van der Velden U, Armitage G, Bouchard P, Deinzer R, Dietrich T, Hughes F, Kocher T, Lang NP, Lopez R, Needleman I, Newton T, Nibali L, Pretzl B, Ramseier C, Sanz-Sanchez I, Schlagenhauf U, Suvan JE, Fabrikant E, Fundak A.
    Principles in Prevention of Periodontal Diseases.
    J Clin Periodontol 2015; 42 Suppl 16: S5-11.
  • Saund D, Dietrich T.
    Minimally-invasive tooth extraction: doorknobs and strings revisited!
    Dent Update 2013; 40: 325-330.
  • Heaton B, Dietrich T.
    Analytic epidemiology and periodontal diseases.
    Periodontol 2000. 2012; 58: 112-120.
  • Heaton B, Dietrich T.
    Causal theory and the epidemiology of periodontal disease.
    Periodontol 2000. 2012; 58: 26-36
  • Jimenez M, Dietrich T.
    Regression models in epidemiology: Purpose, approach and interpretation.
    Periodontol 2000. 2012; 58: 121-133.
  • Walter C, Krall Kaye E, Dietrich T.
    Active and passive smoking – assessment issues in periodontal research.
    Periodontol 2000. 2012; 58: 84-92.
  • Kerr R, Warnakulasuriya S, Mighell AJ, Dietrich T, Nasser M, Rimal J, Jalil A, Bornstein MM, Nagao T, Fortune F, Hazarey VH, Reichart PA, Silverman S, Johnson NW.
    Management Issues in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: a Systematic Review of Medical Interventions and Recommendations for future research.
    Oral Dis 2011; 17 (Suppl. 1), 42–57.
  • Warnakulasuriya S, Dietrich T, Bornstein MM, Peidró EC, Preshaw PM, Walter C, Wennström JL, Bergström J.
    Oral health risks of tobacco use and effects of cessation
    Int Dent J 2010; 60: 7-30.
  • Ramseier CA, Warnakulasuriya S, Needleman IG, Gallagher JE, Lahtinen A; 2nd European Workshop on Tobacco Prevention and Cessation for Oral Health Professionals, Ainamo A, Alajbeg I, Albert D, Al-Hazmi N, Antohé ME, Beck-Mannagetta J, Benzian H, Bergström J, Binnie V, Bornstein M, Büchler S, Carr A, Carrassi A, Peidró EC, Chapple I, Compton S, Crail J, Crews K, Davis JM, Dietrich T, Enmark B, Fine J, Gallagher J, Jenner T, Forna D, Fundak A, Gyenes M, Hovius M, Jacobs A, Kinnunen T, Knevel R, Koerber A, Labella R, Lulic M, Mattheos N, McEwen A, Ohrn K, Polychronopoulou A, Preshaw P, Radley N, Rosseel J, Schoonheim-Klein M, Suvan J, Ulbricht S, Verstappen P, Walter C, Warnakulasuriya S, Wennström J, Wickholm S, Zoitopoulos L.
    Consensus Report: 2nd European Workshop on Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation for Oral Health Professionals.
    Int Dent J 2010; 60: 3-6.
  • de Pablo P, Chapple ILC, Buckley CD, Dietrich T.
    Periodontitis and the systemic rheumatic diseases.
    Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2009; 5: 218-224.
  • Garcia RI, Nunn ME, Dietrich T.
    Risk calculation and periodontal outcomes.
    Periodontology 2000 2009; 50: 65-77.
  • Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Giovannucci E, Willett WC, Dietrich T, Dawson-Hughes B.
    Estimation of optimal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels for multiple health outcomes.
    Am J Clin Nutr 2006; 84: 18-28.
  • Needleman I, Warnakulasuriya S, Sutherland G, Bornstein MM, Casals E, Dietrich T, Suvan J.
    Evaluation of Tobacco Use Cessation (TUC) Counseling in the Dental Office.
    Oral Health Prev Dent 2006; 4: 27-47.
  • Dietrich T, Garcia R.
    Associations between periodontal disease and systemic disease: evaluating the strength of the evidence.
    J Periodontol 2005; 76:2175-2184.


  • Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T.
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the BSP implementation plan for the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions: Presentation of a patient with severe periodontitis following successful periodontal therapy and supportive periodontal treatment.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 411-413. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0143-8.
  • Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T.
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the BSP implementation plan for the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions: Presentation of a patient with a history of periodontal treatment.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 265-267. doi: 10.1038/s41415-019-0015-2.
  • Wadia R, Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I, Hughes FJ, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T.
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions: presentation of a patient with periodontitis localised to the molar teeth.
    Br Dent J. 2019 Feb 8;226(3):180-182. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.93.
  • Walter C, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I, Hughes FJ, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Chapple ILC, Dietrich T.
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions: Presentation of a middle-aged patient with localised periodontitis.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 98-100. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.45.
  • Walter C, Chapple ILC, Ower P, Tank M, West NX, Needleman I, Hughes FJ, Wadia R, Milward MR, Hodge PJ, Dietrich T.
    Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the BSP implementation plan for the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions: presentation of a pair of young siblings with periodontitis.
    Br Dent J. 2019; 226: 23-26. doi: 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.2.
  • Kelly RD, Addison O, Tomson PL, Krastl G, Dietrich T.
    Atraumatic surgical extrusion to improve tooth restorability: A clinical report.
    J Prosthet Dent. 2016; 115: 649-653.
  • de Pablo P, Dietrich T, Chapple IL, Milward M, Buckley CD, Venables PJ.
    Response to: ‚The autoantibody repertoire in periodontitis: a role in the induction of autoimmunity to citrullinated proteins in rheumatoid arthritis? Antibodies against uncitrullinated peptides seem to occur prior to the antibodies to the corresponding citrullinated peptides‘ by Brink et al.
    Ann Rheum Dis. 2014; 73: e47.
  • Pearson D, Dietrich T.
    Summary of: Predicting the choice of anaesthesia for third molar surgery – guideline or the easy-line?
    Br Dent J. 2013; 214: 174-175.
  • Saund D, Dietrich T.
    Summary of: the effects of NICE guidelines on the management of third molar teeth.
    Br Dent J, 2012; 213: 230-231
  • Garcia R, Dietrich T.
    Introduction: Epidemiology, Epidemics and Periodontal Diseases.
    Periodontol 2000. 2012; 58: 7-9.
  • Walter C, Dietrich T.
    Hilft ein Osteoporose-Medikament gegen Knochenabbau im Mund? (Comment)
    ZAHNARZT Praxis 2/2011
  • Saund DS, Kotecha S, Rout J, Dietrich T.
    Non-resolving periapical inflammation: a malignant deception.
    Int J Endod 2010; 43: 84-90.
  • Dietrich T.
    Increased dairy intake may be associated with lower prevalence of periodontal disease. (Comment)
    Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2007; 7: 84-85.
  • Dietrich T.
    Evidence-based dentistry and the absence of evidence from randomized controlled trials for common dental procedures. (Editorial)
    Dental Abstracts 2006; 51: 192-193.
  • Dietrich T.
    Re: A comparative prospective randomized clinical study of MTA and IRM as root-end filling materials in single-rooted teeth in endodontic surgery. (letter to the editor)
    Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006; 102: 143-144.
  • Mascarenhas A, Dietrich T.
    Questionable conclusiveness from pooled estimate of world leukoplakia prevalence suggesting that the “global” number of oral cancer cases is underreported. (Comment)
    Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2004; 4: 300-301.
  • Dietrich T, Reichart PA.
    In patients who have periodontitis, what is the effect of smoking on the response to access flap surgery? (Comment)
    Evidence Based Dentistry 2003; 4: 6.


  • Joshipura KJ, Dietrich T.
    Oral health and nutrition.
    In: Bales CW, Ritchie CS (Eds). Handbook of clinical nutrition and aging. 2nd edition 2008. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey.
  • Dietrich T, Sheshah A, Nunn ME.
    Dairy products and oral health.
    In: Wilson M (Ed). Food constituents and oral health: current status and future prospects. 1st edition 2009. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge.
  • Dibart S, Dietrich T. (eds)
    Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
    Wiley-Blackwell 2010
  • Walter C, Ramseier C, Dietrich T
    Periodontal risk factors and modification.
    In: Dibart S, Dietrich T (Eds). Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. Wiley-Blackwell 2010.
  • Dietrich T.
    Surgical vs. non-surgical treatment of periodontitis.
    In: Dibart S, Dietrich T (Eds). Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning. Wiley-Blackwell 2010.

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